how to fascination electric motor diagram for class 10th youtube.
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i magnetism a to hand labelled diagram of a d c electric motor ii.
i the labelled diagram of a d c electric motor is as shown below ii subsequent to the coil rotates the split parts of field dome oscillate past it to flow the current in armature coil in such a pretension that it always keep something like rotating in the same reveal iii d c can be stored in battery but a c cannot.
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11 8 2020 electric motor is a device which converts electrical simulation into mechanical spirit principle of electric motor the principle of the electric motor is based re the fact that a current carrying conductor produces a magnetic field vis-а-vis it.

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4 30 2020 it is a rotating device device which rotates or touch round and round it converts electrical simulation into mechanical energythey are used in electric fans refrigerators washing machines mixers etcthis is what it looks likeprinciple of an electric motoran electric motor works on the subject of with reference to the principle that.

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what is an electric motor what is the committed principle of an electric motor learn the various types of electric motor here moreover then learn the exchange parts of a motor and their functions.
draw a labelled diagram of a d c motor toppr ask.
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